[Face SD]
With the “Face SD” setting, if a person's face is dark and difficult to see, by combining the face detection and
Super Dynamic functions, the area with the face in the image can be corrected to become brighter and easier
to see.
• On: The interactive control with face detection will work.
• Off: The interactive control with face detection will not work.
• Default: Off
• “Face SD” is only available when a 1.3 mega pixel setting is selected for “Picture (Camera) mode”.
• There may be some cases that the effect is not distinct when the faces are too dark to recognize due
to strong backlight.
[Adaptive black stretch]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to activate the darkness compensation function. The darkness
compensation function can make darker parts of images brighter by digital image processing.
• On: Activates the darkness compensation function.
• Off: Deactivates the darkness compensation function.
• Default: Off
• When “On” is selected for “Adaptive black stretch”, noise in the darker parts may be increased, and
parts around borders between the darker parts and the brighter parts may become darker/brighter than
the other darker/brighter parts.
[Back light compensation (BLC)]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to activate the back light compensation (BLC) function. When
“On” is selected for “Super Dynamic(SD)”, this setting is unavailable.
The back light compensation function can compensate back light by setting mask areas on brighter parts of
• On: Mask areas will be set automatically.
• Off: Mask areas will not be set automatically. It is necessary to set them manually.
• Default: Off
[Mask area]
When “Off” is selected for “Super Dynamic(SD)” and “Back light compensation (BLC)”, it is possible to
compensate for backlight by masking brighter areas.
Refer to page 117 for information on how to set the mask area.
[Light control mode]
Select the light control mode from the following.
• Outdoor scene: Depending on the brightness level (illuminance), the iris will automatically be controlled
together with the shutter speed adjustment to control light. When shooting a bright subject such as outdoor,
etc., select this parameter. Be aware that flicker may occur when a subject is under fluorescent lighting.
• Indoor scene: The shutter speed will automatically be adjusted to prevent flicker caused by fluorescent
• ELC: This selection is suitable for use of a lens with fixed iris or manual iris.
• Fix shutter: The selected value will be set as the fixed shutter speed.
3/100 Fix, 2/100 Fix, 2/120 Fix, 1/100 Fix, 1/250 Fix, 1/500 Fix, 1/1000 Fix, 1/2000 Fix, 1/4000 Fix, 1/10000
• Default: Outdoor scene
Operating Instructions 113
11 Configure the settings relating to images and audio [Image/Audio]