• Notification E-mail will be sent with the message “The capacity of the SD memory card is full.” when
the SD memory card has become full, or “The SD memory card cannot be detected.” when mounting
of the SD memory card failed.
13.8 Configure the settings relating to Panasonic
alarm protocol [Notification]
Click the [Notification] tab on the “Alarm” page. (®page 42, page 44)
The settings relating to Panasonic alarm protocol can be configured in this section.
Panasonic alarm protocol notification
[Panasonic alarm protocol]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to provide notification by Panasonic alarm protocol according
to the settings for the “Alarm” and “Diag.” checkboxes of “Destination of notification” below.
– When an alarm is detected (“Alarm”)
– When a notification of the remaining capacity of the SD memory card has been provided (“Diag.”)
– When the SD memory card has become full (“Diag.”)
– When the SD memory card cannot be recognized (“Diag.”)
• Default: Off
Operating Instructions 147
13 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]