
• External I/O cable
 • Off,input,andoutputoftheexternalI/Oterminal2
and 3 can be switched by configuring the setting. The
default of EXT I/O terminal 2 and 3 is “Off”. It is possi-
ble to determine whether or not to receive input from
EXT I/O terminal 2 and 3 (ALARM IN2, 3) by selecting
“Off”, “Alarm input”, “Alarm output” or “AUX output”
for “Terminal alarm 2” or “Terminal alarm 3” on the
[Alarm] tab on the “Alarm” page. Refer to the
Operating Instructions on the provided CD-ROM for
further information.
 • WhenusingtheEXTI/Oterminalsastheoutputtermi-
nals, ensure they do not cause signal collision with
external signals.
Input specification: No-voltage make contact input
(4 V - 5 V DC, internally pulled up)
OFF: Open or 4 V - 5 V DC
ON: Make contact with GND (required drive current:
1 mA or more)
Output specification: Open collector output (maxi-
mum applied voltage: 20 V DC)
Open: 4 V - 5 V DC by internal pull-up
Close: Output voltage 1 V DC or less (maximum drive
current: 50 mA)
• Microphone/line input cable
Connect a monaural mini plug (ø3.5 mm).
 • Inputimpedance:Approx.2kΩ(unbalanced)
 • Recommendedcablelength:
Less than 1 m {3.28 feet} (for microphone input)
Less than 10 m {32.8 feet} (for line input)
 • Recommendedmicrophone:Plug-inpowertype
 • Supplyvoltage:2.5V±0.5V
 • Recommendedsensitivityofmicrophone:–48dB
 • Inputlevelforthelineinput:Approx.–10dBV
 • Connect/disconnecttheaudiocablesandturnonthe
power of the camera after turning off the power of the
audio output devices. Otherwise, loud noise may be
heard from the speaker.
• Audio output cable
Connect a stereo mini plug (ø3.5 mm). (Audio output is
monaural.) Use an external speaker with amplifier.
 • Outputimpedance:Approx.600Ω(unbalanced)
 •
Recommended cable length: Less than 10 m {32.8 feet}
 • Outputlevel:–20dBV
 • Makesurethatthestereominiplugisconnectedto
this cable. When a monaural mini plug is connected,
audio may not be heard.
When connecting a monaural speaker with amplifier,
use an optional conversion cable (mono-stereo).