Connecting to a network using a PoE+ hub when the temperature is –30 °C {–22 °F} or
* When connecting to a network using a PoE+ hub when the temperature is –30 °C {–22 °F} or less, use a 24 V AC power
supply or a tested PoE injector.
LAN cable (category 5e or
better, straight)
LAN cable (category 5e or
better, straight)
Tested PoE injector
LAN cable (category 5e or
better, straight)
Video monitor
(for adjustment use only)
Video monitor
(for adjustment use only)
Powered speaker
Powered speaker
Plug-in power type
Plug-in power type
Power supply
(24 V AC)
RJ-45 female connector
(cable coupler)
RJ-45 female connector
(cable coupler)
Recommended total extended
cable length*
<Required cable>
LAN cable (category 5e or better, straight)
Recommended cable length from the speaker: less than 10 m {32.8 feet}
Recommended cable length from the microphone: less than 1 m {3.28 feet}
• Thevideomonitorisusedforcheckingtheadjustmentoftheangularfieldofviewwheninstallingthecameraorwhen
servicing. It is not provided for recording/monitoring use.
• Dependingonthemonitor,somecharacters(cameratitle,presetID,etc.)maynotbedisplayedonthescreen.
• Useaswitchinghuborarouterwhichiscompliantwith10BASE-T/100BASE-TXorbetter.(Whensupplyingthepower
to a hub or router, apply PoE+ (IEEE802.3at compliant).) It is impossible to supply the power to this product from a
PoE hub or router that is compliant with IEEE802.3af standard.
• IfaPoE+hubisnotused,eachnetworkcameramustbeconnectedtoapowersupply.
• Whenusing24VAC,powersupplyfromaPoE+huborrouterisnotrequired.