DSU Operations
5-313610-A2-GB41-60 March 1999
Lamp Test
The Lamp test is a test of the status indicators (LEDs)
on the DSU’s DCP (both models), and the LCDs on the
Model 3610 DCP and the SDCP. When the Lamp test is
performed on the Model 3611, the alarm output is
activated as well.
Any indicator that does not flash is not functional,
unless the circuit card is a non-modular TDM or MCMP.
In this case, the Alrm and OK LEDs do not flash.
To access the Lamp Test from the top-level menu,
make the following selections:
• Local (F1)
• Test
• DSU or DBM (select active core)
• Lamp
If all LEDs are functioning, all the indicators on the
Model 3610 DSU’s DCP or Model 3611 DSU’s faceplate
are flashing ON and Off steadily. In a COMSPHERE
3000 Series Carrier, the indicators on the SDCP, as well as
the indicators on the Model 3611 DSU’s faceplate, flash
ON and Off steadily. (The OK and Alrm LEDs do not
flash ON and Off on a nonmodular TDM or MCMP
faceplate; one remains ON and one remains Off.) The
LCD on the DCP flashes the following display until the
test is aborted:
012 3 45 67 8 9:; <=>?
If any character indicator appears nonfunctional, the
DCP should be replaced. If any of the LEDs do not work,
the circuit card should be replaced.
Pressing any key except the key will stop the LCD
portion of the Lamp test and return you to the DSU or
DBM Test menu to abort the test. Once the test has been
aborted, the LCD and LEDs stop flashing. Press the
key to return to the DSU or DBM Tests menu or press
the key to return to the top-level menu.
Configuration Branch
The Configuration (Confg) branch allows you to
configure or customize the DSU and its options (DBM,
TDM and MCMP) to fit site requirements, to enter and
change telephone numbers when a DBM is installed, and
to specify the protocol used by a connected NMS.
The Configuration branch menu varies with the options
being configured. When changing configuration options,
always select the mode first (MUX Funct: TDM,
MCMP, CBrdg, EBrdg, or None in the MUX Setup option
When the TDM or MCMP option is installed, the
MUX and PrtSp (Port Speed) option sets appear. When
the DBM is installed, the Diag (Diagnostic) DBM, DBM,
and Bkup (Backup) options sets appear. In addition, the
Dir (Directory) subbranch appears when the DBM option
is installed. It is through Dir that dial strings (telephone
numbers) are entered, changed, and stored in the Backup