Configuration Scenarios
D-253610-A2-GB41-60 March 1999
MCMP Configuration
There are three different MCMP scenarios described in
this section: one FEP port-sharing scenario and two dial
backup scenarios.
MCMP Using FEP Port Sharing
The 3600 Series DSUs with MCMP capability are
targeted towards financial services and information
processing customers. These customers (banks,
brokerages, and data processing houses) usually have two
or more parallel multipoint analog private line (APL)
circuits that terminate at a branch office. Each of these
circuits is typically set for a different speed and response
time, depending on application requirements. Using the
MCMP capability, these multipoint circuits can be
replaced by a single 56 kbps DDS multipoint circuit.
A typical example can be found in Figure D-12, where
two high-speed applications and a low-speed application
service two branches of a retail bank. The high-speed
applications (19.2 kbps) support teller workstations and
platform terminals (Channels A and B, respectively), and
the low-speed application (4.8 kbps) services automated
teller machines (ATMs, Channel C). In addition, the
low-speed application, extended via the FEP port-sharing
feature of the control DSU and a dedicated multipoint
circuit, services several additional remote ATMs.
In the configuration shown in Figure D-12, the MCMP
channels are assigned to different port numbers to
illustrate channel assignment flexibility.
Pertinent configuration options for both the control
DSU with MCMP and the Site 1 tributary DSU supporting
this configuration scenario follow.
Configuration Options
Set the FEP port sharing configuration options for the
control and tributary DSU-MCMPs as follows
(Configuration Worksheet for MCMP Mode):
• MUX – Setup
Share DevA: Disab
Share DevB: Disab
P1/2 FEPSh: Disab
P3/4 FEPSh: Enab for control; Disab for tributary
P5/6 FEPSh: Disab
• Prt1 through Prt4 (Prt5 and Prt6 N/A)
Async→Sync: Disab
TxCarrSel: Const
RxCarrSel: Const
Elast Stor: Enab (Prt4 only)
• PrtSp – DSU
Prt1: 19.2
Prt2: 19.2
Prt3: 4.8
Prt4: 4.8
Prt5 and Prt6: Disab
• PrtSp – Chan
Prt1: A
Prt2: B
Prt3: C
Prt4: C
Prt5 and Prt6: None
Rate(Kbps): 56
TxClkSource: DDS
AggrSwitch: Disab
• Diag – DSU
Diag Type: NonD
2nd Ch(bps): 400
Disr Type: 3600e
• Diag – Gen
Position: Cntrl for control; Trib for tributary
LinkConfig: M-Pt
• Gen
DTE Port: EIA232
RTS Control: FrcOn