
monitor screen will automatically open to the HOLDER SELECTION PAGE. Press the
appropriate key (in most cases you'll choose NO COMPUSTAGE B TILT) and then press the
READY button (below the data monitor screen). The data monitor screen will return to the
previously selected page (normally TEM BRIGHTFIELD).)
(iii) After the red indicator light goes out, grip the specimen holder firmly by its black plastic handle
and rotate it counterclockwise to 6:00 o'clock position. When it reaches the limit of its rotation,
the vacuum will begin to pull the holder deeper into the column. Maintain a firm grip on the
handle as the holder enters the column so that it does not get drawn in too quickly. Once the
holder appears to be all the way in, jiggle it very gently to ensure that it is indeed inserted
completely into the column.
2. Initiating Operation
2.1 When the CM-200 is ON, the white STAND BY and red MICROSCOPE OFF buttons will be
illuminated; the ON button will be dark. The lit buttons indicate their availability as emergency
functions while the microscope is running.
2.2 Depress the PANEL DIM knob to illuminate the data monitor screen and emission gauge.
Clockwise rotation of this knob increases the intensity of the panel lighting and the light on the
flexible stalk. Clockwise rotation of the DATA DIM knob increases the brightness of the data
monitor screen.
2.3 Ensure that the UHV and HIVAC indicator lights are lit (green). If they are not it may be necessary
to press the VACUUM SYSTEM ON button and wait (20 to 30 minutes) until the two lights come
on, indicating that operational vacuum status has been attained.
2.4 The data monitor screen will display the CM-200 PHILIPS MICROSCOPE STATUS startup page
or, more likely, one of the MODES or MODE SELECTION pages. If the READY light (on the
pushbutton directly below the data monitor screen; to the right) is lit, pressing it will move the
screen selection back in the hierarchy of pages. Press the MODES key to obtain the MODE
2.5 For transmission electron microscopy, press the HR-TEM key on the MODE SELECTION page. If
the letters HR-TEM are highlighted it will be necessary to press only once; otherwise press the HR-
TEM key twice. The screen should now display the HR-TEM BRIGHTFIELD page.
2.6 Press the VACUUM key to check the vacuum status of the instrument. It should read READY at
the top center of the data monitor screen. If it reads START-UP the operator must wait for the
vacuum to improve before the 'scope can be used. Do not uses the microscope unless the ion getter
pump (IGP) reading is lower than 10.
2.7 To return to the TEM BRIGHTFIELD page press the READY button.
2.8 To select the operating voltage, press the PARAMETERS key to open the PARAMETERS pages.
On the first of these pages the kV may be modified by pressing the left (lower) or right (higher) key
adjacent to the HIGH TENSION kV notation on the screen. Most TEM users in this laboratory
work at 200 kV.
2.9 Press Ready, Mode, choose configuration page. Slowly increase the filament voltage to 3.8. As a
rule of thumb, rotate the knob until you hear three clicks; wait 20 seconds; rotate again for three
clicks; wait another 20 seconds; repeat until reaching 3.8.
2.10 Open the valve (from Close to Open, unti-clockwise) to the right of the microscope. You should see
the beam. Move sample feature to the middle of the viewing area.
2.11 Also on the first PARAMETERS page is the EMISSION setting, which should be left at 3. Press
the READY button to return to the TEM BRIGHTFIELD page.
2.12 With the high tension on, an operator may load his/her own previously stored or default
alignment/stigmator settings for the kV at which the 'scope is operating. This requires logging into
the computer (rodin) on the table to the right of the microscope, obtaining a CRT terminal screen,
and typing, e.g., 's_toscope default' to load the default settings for the currently selected kV. A
separate laminated sheet of instructions in the TEM room fully describes these functions.