
4.3 From the TEM BRIGHTFIELD page, press COMPUSTAGE once; the COMPUSTAGE
REGISTER CONTROL page will appear.
4.4 Press A-WOBBLER; this will initiate back-and-forth tilting of the goniometer.
4.5 Use the Z control lever on the JOYSTICK to move the specimen up or down and thus minimize
apparent movement of the centered feature.
4.6 When the feature moves only minimally or not at all, press the A-WOBBLER key to inactivate
tilting; then press the READY button to return to TEM BRIGHTFIELD.
5. Pivot Point Alignment
Ensure that the specimen is eucentric before performing this procedure. For this procedure you
may work with the OBJECTIVE APERTURE in place to protect your specimen.
5.1 Center (X/Y JOYSTICK) and focus (concentric knobs under STEP SIZE) an image feature at
24,500x (MAG knob).
5.2 Press the ALGN button to access the ALIGNMENT SELECTION page. (Note that the
alignments are divided into PROCEDURES (on the left side of the page) and DIRECT
alignments (most of which are on the right side of the page). Most users will not want to access
the PROCEDURES, which are long and complicated. For this set of instructions we will be using
only the DIRECT alignments.)
5.3 Using the INTENSITY knob, adjust the beam to crossover.
5.4 Press the beamcoils PIVOT POINT X key, on the right side of the page, so that it is highlighted.
5.5 Using the MULTIFUNCTION X/Y knobs, bring the two beam spots (the pivot points, on the
fluorescent viewing screen) together so that they overlap.
5.6 Center the coinciding spots using the SHIFT X/Y knobs.
5.7 Press the beamcoils PIVOT POINT Y key.
5.8 Using the MULTIFUNCTION X/Y knobs, bring the two beam spots together so that they
5.9 Center the coinciding spots using the SHIFT X/Y knobs.
5.10 Press the ALGN button to exit the ALIGNMENT SELECTION page.
6. Rotation Center Alignment
This procedure may be performed with the OBJECTIVE APERTURE in place to protect the specimen
and add contrast to the image.
6.1 Focus and center a feature of the specimen at 100,000x.
6.2 Press ALGN to open the ALIGNMENT SELECTION page. On the upper right-hand side of the
page, press ROT CENTER so that it becomes highlighted. Now either voltage or current
centering may be performed.
(i) On the lower right-hand side of the page, select VOLT (under rot center VOLT CURR) so that it
becomes highlighted. This will cause the high tension to modulate (the inner STEP SIZE knob
adjusts the amplitude of modulation). If the chosen feature shifts off center laterally, the beam is
not aligned along the optical axis of the microscope and must be corrected.
(ii) Use the MULTIFUNCTION X/Y knobs to stabilize the feature at the center of the screen,
eliminating all lateral movement. The feature should appear to be pulsating.
(iii) Press the ALGN button to return to the TEM BRIGHTFIELD page.
6.3.1 Current centering: