Recessed luminaires
Philips indoor luminaires Recessed luminaires
TL5 ‘light beam’ concepts –
slender and semi-modular
Reecting the market trend towards miniaturization and architectural
integration, Philips has developed a number of semi-modular luminaire
ranges designed around the slim TL5 uorescent lamp.
Creating the appearance of a slender beam made of light, these luminaires – most
incorporating a single lamp – combine outstanding light distribution, glare control
and visual comfort with high levels of efciency, in compliance with the latest
ofce-lighting norm (EN 12464-1).
Modular in length only, these ‘light beam’ luminaires are typical project solutions.
Featuring state-of-the-art micro, mini or midi optics, they cover the full high- to
mid-end specication spectrum and are designed to t in a variety of ceiling types
– e.g. exposed, concealed, bandraster and plaster. A number of versions can easily
be extended in length, while others (can be congured to) form a light-line.
Most of the types have ventilation slots and are easy to install.
TL5 light beam concepts
Indolight Indolight Indolight
Main characteristics TBS490 TBS600 TBS315 TBS318 TBS340
Appearance: Smallest beam concept
in metal housing
Beam concept in metal
Beam concept in metal
Beam concept in metal
Continuous lightline
beam concept in metal
Width 1 lamp: 90.5 mm 114.5 mm 147.5 mm 185.0 mm 147.5 mm
Width 2 lamps: 150.5 mm 200 mm 147.5 mm 185.0 mm 147.5 mm
Beam optic: micro-beam mini-beam midi-beam midi-beam midi-beam
Ceiling type: exposed and concealed exposed and concealed exposed and concealed metal strip exposed and concealed
Modularity: modular in length flexible in length flexible in length flexible in length flexible in length
TBS490 TBS600 TBS315
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