Philips indoor luminaires 2.65
Indolight TBS315/318/340 TL5
Recessed luminaires
Recessed luminaires
Indolight TBS315 recessed luminaire
with TL5 uorescent lamp(s) and
OLC high-gloss high-quality aluminum
optic with 3D lamellae (C6) or high-
reectance 3D lamellae (C6-H)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TBS315 1xTL5-28W/840 HFP C6 PI FL 4.80 627885 00
TBS315 2xTL5-28W/840 HFP C6 PI FL 3.10 627939 00
TBS315 1xTL5-35W/840 HFP C6 PI FL 5.70 627984 00
TBS315 2xTL5-35W/840 HFP C6 PI FL 5.70 628035 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight TBS315 recessed luminaire
with TL5 uorescent lamp(s) and OLC
semi-high-gloss high-quality aluminum
optic with 3D lamellae (D6) or high-
reectance 3D lamellae (D6-H)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TBS315 1xTL5-28W/840 HFP D6 PI FL 4.80 627892 00
TBS315 2xTL5-28W/840 HFP D6 PI FL 4.80 627946 00
TBS315 1xTL5-35W/840 HFP D6 PI FL 5.70 627991 00
TBS315 2xTL5-35W/840 HFP D6 PI FL 5.70 628042 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight TBS315 recessed luminaire
with TL5 uorescent lamp(s) and OLC
matt high-quality aluminum optic with
3D lamellae (M6)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TBS315 1xTL5-35W/840 HFR M6 FU W FL 5.70 614816 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight TBS315 recessed luminaire
with TL5 uorescent lamp(s) and
matt high-quality aluminum optic with
proled lamellae (M2)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TBS315 1xTL5-35W/840 HFP M2 FU W FL 5.70 614809 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indolight TBS315 recessed luminaire
with TL5 uorescent lamp(s) and
white painted aluminum optic with at
lamellae (L1)
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TBS315 2xTL5-49W/830 HFP L1 W FL 5.70 624242 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indoor_2008_Chapter_02_LIS.indb 65 20-05-2008 12:07:07