! The folder selection sequence for playback
and other operations becomes the writing
sequence used by the writing software. For
this reason, the expected sequence at the
time of playback may not coincide with the
actual playback sequence. However, there
also is some writing software which per-
mits setting of the playback order.
! Some audio CDs contain tracks that merge
into one another without a pause. When
these discs are converted to MP3/WMA/
AAC files and burned to a CD-R/RW/ROM
or a DVD-R/RW/ROM, the files will be
played back on this player with a short
pause between each one, regardless of the
length of the pause between tracks on the
original audio CD.
! When naming an MP3/WMA/AAC file, add
the corresponding filenameextension (.mp3,
.wma or.m4a).
! This unit plays backfiles with the filename ex-
tension (.mp3, .wmaor.m4a) as an MP3/
WMA/AAC file. To prevent noise andmalfunc-
tions, do not usethese extensions for files
other than MP3/WMA/AAC files.
MP3 additional information
! Files are compatible with the ID3 Tag Ver.
1.0, 1.1, 2.2 and 2.3 formats for display of
album (disc title), track (track title), artist
(track artist) and comments. Ver. 2.x of ID3
Tag is given priority when both Ver. 1.x and
Ver. 2.x exist.
! You can play back MP3 files in the frequen-
cies from 8 kHz to 48 kHz.
! This unit is compatible with the emphasis
! There is no m3u playlist compatibility.
! There is no compatibility with the MP3i
(MP3 interactive) or mp3 PRO formats.
! The sound quality of MP3 files generally be-
comes better with an increased bit rate.
This unit can play recordings with bit rates
from 8 kbps to 320 kbps, but in order to be
able to enjoy sound of a certain quality, we
recommend using only discs recorded with
a bit rate of at least 128 kbps.
WMA additional information
! This unit plays back WMA files encoded by
Windows Media Player version 7, 7.1, 8, 9
and 10.
! You can play back WMA files in the fre-
quencies from 8 kHz to 48 kHz.
! The sound quality of WMA files generally
becomes better with an increased bit rate.
This unit can play recordings with bit rates
from 5 kbps to 320 kbps, but in order to be
able to enjoy sound of a certain quality, we
recommend using discs recorded with a
higher bit rate.
! This unit doesn’t support the following for-
— Windows Media Audio 9 Professional
— Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless
— Windows Media Audio 9 Voice
AAC additional information
! This unit plays back AAC files encoded by
version 4.6.
! This unit plays back AAC files in the sam-
pling frequencies from 8 kHz to 48 kHz.
! The sound quality of AAC files generally be-
comes better with an increased transmis-
sion rate. This unit can play recordings
with transmission rates from 8 kbps to 320
kbps, but in order to be able to enjoy sound
of a certain quality, we recommend using
discs recorded with a higher transmission
Additional Information