Viewing the information of the mark displayed on the map
You can check the information such as address, about the mark (POI, your home, your
favourite location, or an icon of TMC traffic information) specified by the cross pointer.
1 Place the cross pointer on the mark shown on the map, and click the OK button.
The Shortcut menu appears.
2 Select “Information” and click the OK button.
Information about the specified mark appears. The type of information shown varies
according to the mark. If there is another mark near the mark selected you may turn the
scale controller up or down, to display the information for another mark. (Information
may not be shown for some marks.)
Types of information :
Name of the registered location (Include home and specific location)
Information of the Points Of Interest (POI) displayed on the map (
see “Displaying
Certain Points Of Interest on the Map” on page 62)
RDS-TMC traffic information (
see “Using Traffic Information” on page 74)
3 Click the OK button.
More detailed information appears.
4 Press the NAVI button.
You are returned to the map of your surroundings.
Number of information you can check
Information of the mark