To spell out characters and symbols
When entering city names, names of POIs, or postcodes, speak one character at a time. For
example, if you want to enter “A”, say “Alpha”.
To finish the entry by spelling and to make the Navigation System dis-
play a list of options
To finish entry of the spelt-out name of a city, POI, or postcode, say “Verify”. A list of rele-
vant items is displayed.
1 After inputting some characters, say “Verify”.
A list of items matching the entry appears. Each item has a matching number on the left.
➲ If all items cannot be shown on one screen, say “Next page” to display the following
page. Say “Previous page” to return to the previous page.
➲ If no possible item is found, the display returns to the previous page.
2 Say the number of the item you want.
The map of the selected location appears on the display. The message, “Do you want to
stop in?” follows.
3 If you want to select this location as your destination, say “Yes”.
Route calculation starts with the location displayed on the map as your destination.
➲ If you want to see the maps with other options, say “Next option”.
➲ If you say “No”, voice operation is cancelled, and the map is displayed.
Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation
1 One A Alpha K Kilo U Uniform _ Space
2 Two B Bravo L Lima V Victor - Hyphen
3 Three C Charlie M Mike W Whiskey ‘ Apostrophe
4 Four D Delta N November X X-Ray & And
5 Five E Echo O Oscar Y Yankee / Slash
6 Six F Foxtrot P Papa Z Zulu . Full stop
7 Seven G Golf Q Quebec , Comma
8 Eight H Hotel R Romeo $ Dollar
9 Nine I India S Sierra + Plus
0 Zero J Juliet T Tango “ Quotation mark