
To spell out characters and symbols
When entering city names, names of POIs, or postcodes, speak one character at a time. For
example, if you want to enter “A”, say “Alpha”.
To finish the entry by spelling and to make the Navigation System dis-
play a list of options
To finish entry of the spelt-out name of a city, POI, or postcode, say “Verify”. A list of rele-
vant items is displayed.
1 After inputting some characters, say Verify.
A list of items matching the entry appears. Each item has a matching number on the left.
If all items cannot be shown on one screen, say “Next page” to display the following
page. Say “Previous page” to return to the previous page.
If no possible item is found, the display returns to the previous page.
2 Say the number of the item you want.
The map of the selected location appears on the display. The message, “Do you want to
stop in?” follows.
3 If you want to select this location as your destination, say Yes.
Route calculation starts with the location displayed on the map as your destination.
If you want to see the maps with other options, say “Next option”.
If you say “No”, voice operation is cancelled, and the map is displayed.
Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation
1 One A Alpha K Kilo U Uniform _ Space
2 Two B Bravo L Lima V Victor - Hyphen
3 Three C Charlie M Mike W Whiskey Apostrophe
4 Four D Delta N November X X-Ray & And
5 Five E Echo O Oscar Y Yankee / Slash
6 Six F Foxtrot P Papa Z Zulu . Full stop
7 Seven G Golf Q Quebec , Comma
8 Eight H Hotel R Romeo $ Dollar
9 Nine I India S Sierra + Plus
0 Zero J Juliet T Tango Quotation mark