B. LaserBarcode 2 Search Commands
The are three LaserBarcode 2 Search Commands: Two original search commands and one
extended search command.
Original Search Commands
1. Frame Search - Instructs the player to search to the specified frame and enter Still
Mode. This command can only be used with CAV discs.
2. Chapter Search - Instructs the player to:
a) search to the specified chapter and enter Still Mode on CAV discs.
b) search to the specified chapter and enter Pause Mode on CLV discs.†
This command was modified to include CLV chapter search under LB2.
Extended Search Command (for CLV discs)
3. Time Search - Instructs the player to search to the specified time number and enter
Pause Mode.† This command can only be used with CLV discs.
C. LaserBarcode 2 Segment Play Commands
The are four LaserBarcode 2 Segment Play commands: Two “original” LaserBarcode
Segment Play commands and two “extended” LB2 Segment Play commands.
Original Segment Play Commands
1. Frame Segment - Instructs the player to search to the start frame number and play
to the end frame number. When the motion segment is completed, the player enters
Still Mode. This command can only be used with CAV discs.
2. Chapter Segment - Instructs the player to search to the start chapter number and play
to the end chapter number. When the motion segment is completed, the player will:
a) enter Still Mode on the fist frame of the next chapter on CAV discs.
b) enter Pause Mode on the first frame of the next chapter on CLV discs.†
Extended Segment Play Commands
3. Time Segment - Instructs the player to search to the start time number and play to
the end time number. When the motion segment is completed, the player enters
Pause Mode.† This command can only be used with CLV discs.
4. Special Effects Segment - Instructs the player to search to the start frame number
and play to the end frame number in the slow motion forward or reverse directions.
This command can be used with CAV discs only. Specify speed and direction:
Direction Speed
Forward or Reverse Slow Motion 1 = 1/4 x normal
Slow Motion 2 = 1/8 x normal
Slow Motion 3 = 1 frame / second
Slow Motion 4 = 1 frame / 3 seconds
†On an LD-V8000 player this command will end in Still Mode.
Note: The LB2 standard defines a range for each slow motion setting. The playback speeds described in the previous sections relate to
the performance of Pioneer players only. Playback may vary depending on the manufacturer of a particular player. The LB2
format allows the following range of speeds: Slow Forward or Reverse 1 = 1/4 to 1/3 speed; Slow Forward or Reverse 2 = 1/12 to
1/8 normal speed; Slow Forward or Reverse 3 = 1 frame per second; Slow Forward or Reverse 4 = 1 frame every 2 or 3 seconds.
LaserBarcode 2
Commands & Logo
Appendix D LaserBarcode & LB2 Commands & Logos TP 117 v. 2.0 • 12/93 D-7