3.1.2 PLAY
- CLD-V2600 / CLD-V2400
Function: This button is used to start or resume playback of the video/audio
material on the disc.
Explanation: Pressing this button has different effects, depending on the active
mode of the player:
• If this button is pressed while the disc tray door is opening or when the
door is open, the player closes the door. After the door is closed, the player
enters Park Mode and then determines whether a disc is in the drawer. If
there is no disc in the drawer, the player does nothing. If there is a disc in
the drawer, it proceeds through the operations described in Park Mode.
• In Park Mode the player determines whether or not there is a disc in the
drawer. If there is no disc, the player does nothing. If there is a disc, the
player spins up the disc. When Spin Up Mode ends, the player enters
Random Access Mode and begins playing the disc.
• In Random Access Mode , the player starts or resumes playing the disc.
• When a search is in progress and the PLAY button is pressed, the player
starts playing the disc after the search is completed.
3.1.3 PAUSE
- CLD-V2600
Function: Pressing this button causes the player to cease playback temporarily.
Explanation: In Pause Mode, video is squelched. Press the PLAY, STEP FWD/
REV or SKIP FWD/REV button to exit Pause Mode. The PAUSE button does not
toggle PAUSE ON and OFF. PAUSE is can be used in Random Access Mode,
during LD or CD playback.
3.1.4 SKIP FWD / REV
- CLD-V2600 / CLD-V2400
Function: Pressing SKIP FORWARD makes the player jump forward one chapter
or track at a time. If SKIP FORWARD is pressed repeatedly, it will skip forward the
corresponding number of chapters. Pressing SKIP REVERSE replays the chapter or
track currently playing. If SKIP REVERSE is pressed repeatedly before the player
ends it’s search and starts to play, the player will skip back the corresponding
number of chapters or tracks.
Explanation: This button is effective only in Random Access Mode. During
LaserDisc playback, these buttons will not function unless chapters have been
encoded on the disc. The player will hold a still frame if a CAV LaserDisc encoded
with chapters is playing; if a CLV LaserDisc encoded with chapters is playing, it
immediately plays. When a CD is playing, the player will Skip Forward to the next
track or Skip Reverse to the previous track and immediately play the material.
NOTE: While the player is skipping to the chapter selected on a LaserDisc, video and
audio are squelched. While skipping to a selected track on a CD, audio is squelched.
Chapter Three • CLD-V2600 / 2400 Level I & III
3-2 TP 117 v. 2.0 • 12/93 CLD-V2600 / 2400 Level I & III User’s Manual