1 PushM.C. upor down.
1 Pushand holdM.C. left orright.
You cancancel seektuning bypushingM.C. left
or right.
While pushingand holdingM.C. left orright, you
can skipstations. Seektuning starts assoon as
you releaseM.C.
Storing and recalling stations
You can easily store up to six stations for each
band as presets.
Using presettuning buttons
1 When youfind astation thatyou want tostore in
memor y,press one ofthe presettuning buttons
(1 to6) andhold untilthe presetnumber stops
2 Pressone ofthe preset tuningbuttons (1to 6)to
select thedesired station.
Using thepreset screen
1 Press
toswitch to thepreset screen.
2 Use M.C.to storethe selectedfrequency in the
memor y.
Turnto changethe preset number. Press and
hold tostore.
3 Use M.C.to selectthe desiredstation.
Turnto changethe station.Press toselect.
Switching the display
Selecting thedesired textinformation
1 Press
Programservicename—songtitle—artist name
Scrolling thetext informationto the left
1 Pressand hold
Using iTunes tagging
This function can be operated with the following
iPod models.
— iPod 5th generation
— iPod nano 3rd generation
— iPod nano 4th generation
— iPod classic
— iPod classic 120GB
— iPod touch
— iPod touch 2nd generation
— iPhone
— iPhone 3G
However, tag information can be stored in this
unit even while other iPod models are used.
The song information (tag) can be saved from
the broadcasting station to your iPod. The
songs will show up in a playlist called “Tagged
playlist” in iTunes the next time you sync your
iPod. Then you can directly buy the songs you
want from the iTunes Music Store.
Storing thetag informationto this unit
1 Tunein tothe broadcast station.
2 Pressand holdM.C. if
appears inthe display
while thedesired songis broadcasting.
Storing thetagged informationto your iPod
1 Connect theiPodto thisunit andtransfer this
unit’s taginformation tothe iPod.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
BSM (beststations memory)
BSM (beststations memory) automatically storesthe
six strongeststations inthe order oftheir signal
1 PressM.C. toturn BSMon.
! Tocancel, pressM.C. again.
Operating this unit