1 Press and hold PHONE/ /CONNECT to
display the connection menu.
# You cannot operate this step duringa call.
2 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
Device list(connecting ordisconnectinga cellular
phone fromthe devicelist)
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 TurnM.C. toselect the nameof adevice youwant
to connect/disconnect.
3 PressM.C. toconnect/disconnect the selected
cellular phone.
If theconnection is established,* isindicated on
the devicename.
Delete device(deleting acellular phone fromthe de-
vice list)
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 TurnM.C. toselect the nameof adevice youwant
to delete.
! Pressand holdM.C. toswitch the BDaddress
and devicename.
3 PressM.C. todisplay Delete YES.
4 PressM.C. todelete acellular phone information
from thedevice list.
! While thisfunction isin use, donot turnoff the
Add device(connecting anew cellular phone)
1 PressM.C. tostart searching.
! Tocancel, pressM.C. while searching.
2 TurnM.C. toselect adevicefrom thedevice list.
! If thedesired deviceis not displayed,select
Search again.
3 Pressand holdM.C. toswitch the BDaddress
and devicename.
4 PressM.C. toconnect the selectedcellular
! Tocomplete theconnection, checkthe device
name (DEH-P6200BT)and enterthe link code
on yourcellular phone.
! PIN codeis setto 0000as thedefault. You
can changethis code.Refer toPIN code(PIN
code input)on thispage.
! If fivedevices arealready paired, Memoryfull
is displayedand itis notpossible toperform
this operation.In thiscase, deletea pairedde-
vice first.
SPCL. Device(setting aspecial device)
Bluetooth devicesthat aredifficultto establisha con-
nection withare calledspecial devices. Ifyour Blue-
tooth deviceis listedas aspecial device, selectthe
appropriate one.
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Use M.C.to selecta specialdevice.
Turnto changethe menu option.Pressto select.
! If fivedevices arealready paired, Memoryfull
is displayedand itis notpossible toperform
this operation.In thiscase, deletea pairedde-
vice first.
3 TurnM.C. todisplay this unit’sdevice name,BD
address andpincode.
4 Use acellular phoneto connect tothis unit.
! Tocomplete theconnection, checkthe device
name (DEH-P6200BT)and enterthe link code
on yourcellular phone.
! PIN codeis setto 0000as thedefault. You
can changethis code.Refer toPIN code(PIN
code input)on thispage.
Auto CONN(connecting toa Bluetooth deviceauto-
1 PressM.C. toturn automatic connectionon or
Visible (settingthe visibilityof this unit)
Operating this unit