Listening to SIRIUS Satellite Radio
1 SIRIUS band indicator
2 SIRIUS channel number indicator
3 SIRIUS preset number indicator
4 SIRIUS channel select setting indicator
Shows what channel select settinghas been
selected. CH is displayed when
Channel number is selected, and CAT is dis-
played when Category is selected.
I.R is displayed during the Instant Replay
5 SIRIUS channel name
Shows the channel name of broadcast
Select aSIRIUS band.
1 PressBAND/ESC.
! Band canbe selectedfrom SR-1,SR-2 or SR-
Select achannel.
1 PushM.C. leftor right.
! If youpush andhold M.C. leftor right,you
can increaseor decreasechannelnumber
! You canalso perform tuningfrom adesired
channel category.(Refer toSelecting achan-
nel inthe channelcategory onpage 31.)
Switching theSIRIUS display
1 Pressand holdDISP/
Play time—Channelnumber—Channelname—
Categoryname—Artist name—Song title/pro-
gram title—Composername
! Play timeis displayedduring theInstantRe-
play mode.Refer toUsing InstantReplay
function onpage 31.
! Play timedisplay indicatesthe timeinverted
from thelive broadcast.Play time isdisplayed
in negativenumber.
Displaying theRadio ID
1 PushM.C. leftor right toselect CH000.
! Toselect CH000, setthe channel selectsetting to
Channel number. Aboutthe channel selectset-
ting, referto Selectingthe SIRIUS channelselect
mode onthe nextpage.
It may take a few seconds before you canhear
anything while this unit acquires and processes
the satellite signal when you changethe source
to SIRIUS tuner or select a channel.
Storing and recalling broadcast
You can easily store up to six stations for each
band as presets.
! Six stations for each band can be stored in
1 Press
Preset screen is displayed.
2 Use M.C. to store the selected station in
Turn to change the preset number. Press and
hold to store.
The SIRIUS preset number you have selected
will flash and then remain lit. The selected sta-
tion has been stored in memory.
3 Use M.C. to select the desired station.
Turn to change the station; press to select.
# You can also change the stationby pushing
M.C. up or down.
Available accessories