
Advanced operations using
special buttons
Selecting theSIRIUS channelselect mode
1 PressS.Rtrv/SAT MODErepeatedly toselect the
desired channelselect setting.
Channel number(channel numberselect set-
ting)Category (channelcategory select
Function and operation
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Use M.C. to select FUNCTION.
The function selection menu is displayed.
Turn to change the menu option. Press to
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
Channel mode(channel selectmode setting)
You havetwo methodsfor selectinga channel: by
number andby category.When selectingby number,
channels inany category canbe selected. Selectby
categoryto narrowyour search downto onlychan-
nels ina particularcategory.
1 PressM.C. tochange thechannelselect mode.
Channel number(channel numberselectset-
ting)Category (channelcategory selectsetting)
Game alert(game alertsetting)
This systemcan alertyou when gamesinvolving your
favorite teamsare aboutto start. To usethis function
you needin advanceto setup agame alert forthe
! Touse thisfunction, Pioneer SIRIUSbus interface
(e.g. CD-SB10)is required.
! Touse thisfunction, SIRIUSplug-and-play unit
with GameAlert Function isrequired.
! Fordetails, referto SIRIUSplug-and-play units
! You canalso operatethis function whenSIR-
PNR2 isconnected tothis unit.
! The GameAlert functionis onat the default
! Once youmade teamselections, you needto turn
the GameAlert functionon.
1 PressM.C. toturn theGame Alert onor off.
! When agame ofthe selected teamis aboutto
start (oris currentlyplaying) ona different station,
Game alertinfo isdisplayed. Press andhold
M.C. toswitch tothat station,and youcan listen
to thatgame.
Teamsetting (teamsetting)
1 PushM.C. leftor right toselect adesired league.
2 PushM.C. upor downto select adesired team.
3 PressM.C. tostore theselected team inmemory.
The gamealert functionwill start onthat team.
4 Repeatthese steps forselecting otherteams.
Up to12 teamscan beselected.
! When youhave alreadymade 12team selec-
tions, FULLis displayedand additional team
selection isnot possible.In thiscase, first de-
lete theteam selectionand thentry again.
Game info(game information)
If gamesof yourselected teams arecurrently playing,
you candisplay informationof the gamesand tuneto
the broadcastchannel.
You candisplay informationof the gameswhile enjoy-
ing thesound fromcurrently tuning station.You can
also tuneto thebroadcast channel whenyou wishto.
1 PushM.C. upor downto select agame.
! Game scorewill beupdated automatically.
2 PressM.C. toswitch tothat station tolisten tothe
! If youhave notmade any teamselections, NOT
SETis displayed.
! When gamesinvolving your favoriteteams are not
currently playing,NO GAMEis displayed.
Available accessories