
PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 30
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Field Name Field Type Field Description
psbf UINT2
APS byte failure
coaps UINT2
Change of APS bytes
coz1s1 UINT2
Change of synchronization status message
lbipe UINT2
Line BIP error
lreie UINT2
Line REI error
sdber UINT2
Signal Defect
sfber UINT2
Signal Failure
Table 5: S/UNI-4x622 Receive Path Overhead (RPOH) ISR Mask:
Field Name Field Type Field Description
tiu UINT2
Path trace unstable
tim UINT2
Path trace mismatch
prpslmi UINT2
Path signal label mismatch
prpslui UINT2
Path signal label unstable
prdi UINT2
Path remote defect indication
perdi UINT2
Path enhanced remote defect indication
pbipe UINT2
Path BIP-8 error
pfebe UINT2
Path REI error
pais UINT2
Path AIS state changes
ppse UINT2
Positive Pointer Justification
pnse UINT2
Negative Pointer Justification
ploptr UINT2
Path Loss of pointer state changes
ardi UINT2
AuxRDI state changes
uneq UINT2
Trace identifier equipped state changes