PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 41
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Field Name Field Type Field Description
rxfpminpl UINT1
RX minimum packet length
rxfpmaxpl UINT2
RX maximum packet length
txdscr UINT1
TX scrambles outgoing payload
txcpidlehdr UINT1
TX idle cell header
txcpidlepyld UINT1
TX idle cell payload
txfpfcssel UINT1
TX FCS select
mode UINT1
ATM or POS mode
txfpipgap UINT1
The number of Flag Sequence characters inserted between
each POS Frame
Per-Channel FIFO Configuration
Table 17: S/UNI-4x622 FIFO Configuration: sSUNI4x622_CFG_FIFO
Field Name Field Type Field Description
rxfpril UINT1
RX FIFO overrun before frame receive
txfptil UINT1
TX FIFO fill level before frame transmit
Per-Channel Clock Interface Configuration
Table 18: S/UNI-4x622 Clock Interface Configuration: sSUNI4x622_CFG_CLK
Field Name Field Type Field Description
loopt UINT1
Selects REFCLK or recovered clock as tx source
dccsel UINT1
Configures whether the DCC is configured for section or line
DCC operation
tfpen UINT1
Controls whether frame pulse input used for alignment