
Installation and Quick Setup
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To load paper or forms, open the door on each tractor and position the holes in the paper over
the pins in the tractors; then close the doors. If the tractors are not set at the proper width for
the paper you are loading, simply move the lever beside the tractor door to the open position
and the tractor(s) will slide sideways. The tractors should be spaced far enough apart so that
the paper does not buckle in the center, but not so tight that the holes in the paper become
distorted by the pins in the tractors. A properly installed form is shown below. Note that the
form does not extend above the top of the tractor doors.
FormsPro 4503 With Form Installed
in Front Tractors.
Note that the forms do not extend above the tractor doors.
The FormsPro 4300 and FormsPro 4500 have only one set of tractors which are positioned in
the same location as the front tractors in the above picture. To install forms in the other sets
of tractors in the FormsPro 4503, press the FORM SELECT button on the front panel until
the desired form setup and tractor path is selected on the LCD display (this button's sequence
is 0 through 9, and back to 0, and may be operated while the case is either opened or closed).
Then press the LOAD button. This causes the selected tractors to move into position for
loading. Now load the paper or forms in the tractors as described in the previous paragraph.
Now close the case, select the form you desire (0 through 9), and press the LOAD button.
This places the form you have selected into position for printing. The following picture
shows a FormsPro 4503 with forms installed in all three sets of tractors and the center tractors
in place for operation.