
Optional Coaxial/Twinaxial Interface
Page C-5
Option Switches When Configured for Twinaxial Operation
The dipswitches as shown above have the following meanings when the interface is
configured for twinaxial operation. An asterisk (*) indicates the factory default setting.
Switch/Position Function
SW1-1 SW1-2 Select Emulation
OFF* OFF* 4214 Model 2.
ON OFF 5225 Model 3.
OFF ON 5256 Model 3
ON ON Reserved for future use.
SW1-3 OFF* Reserved for factory use.
SW1-4 OFF* Reserved for factory use.
SW1-5 SW1-6 Default Character Set.
OFF* OFF* Multinational.
OFF ON Austrian/German.
ON ON French Canadian.
SW1-7 SW1-8 Parallel Multiplexer Timeout.
OFF* OFF* Short (15 seconds).
ON OFF Medium.
OFF ON Long.
ON ON Very Long (60 seconds).
SW2-1 OFF* Run.
SW2-1 ON Test.
Addr 0-6 = Code Dump.
Addr 7 = Configuration Printout.
Addr 8 = Print Test.
Addr 9 = Loop Test.
SW2-2 OFF* Send 5E Hex (^) for Logical Not.
SW2-2 ON Send E1 Hex ( ) for Logical Not.
SW2-3 OFF* Load Forms Enabled.
SW2-3 ON Load Forms Disabled.
SW2-4 OFF* Reserved for future use.
Twinaxial Address Switch
The “ADDR” switch sets the logical device address. You may wish to use a small
screwdriver to turn the knob on this switch. Note that there is a black line on the side of this
knob which indicates the address that is currently selected. Only addresses 0 through 6 are
valid for twinaxial operation. Addresses 7, 8, and 9 are used for diagnostic purposes only and
are described later in this appendix in the section titled “Coaxial/Twinaxial Interface