Your treadmill,like other electronic equipment,canbe
damaged bysudden voltagechanges inyour home's
power, To decrease the risk of damaging your
treadmill, always use a surgesuppressor with your
treadmill (see drawing 1 atthe right), To purchase
a surge suppressor, see precaution 12on page3,
Use only a single-outlet surge suppressor that is
UL 1449 listed as a transient voltage surge sup-
pressor (T'v'SS). The surge suppressor must have
a UL suppressed voltage rating of 400 volts or less
and a rain[mum surge dissipation of 450 joules,
The surge suppressor must be electrically rated for
120 volts AC and 15 amps, There must be a moni-
toring tight on the surge suppressor to indicate
whether it is functioning properly. Failure to use a
properly-functioning surge suppressor could dam-
age the control system of the treadmill (see precau-
tion 13 on page 3).
This product must be grounded, If itshould mal-
function or break down, grounding provides a path
of ]east resistance for electric current to reduce the
risk of electric shock. This product's power card has
an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding
plug. Plug the power cord into a surge suppressor,
and plug the surge suppressor into an appropri-
ate outlet that is properly installed and grounded
in accordance with el[ Iota| codes and ordinances,
IMPORTANT: The treadmill is not compatible with
GFCl*equipped outlets and may not be compatible
wLLh AFCI-equipped outlets,
This product is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit
(see drawing 1), A temporary adapter maybe used to
connect the surge suppressor to a 2-pole receptacle if
a properly-grounded outlet is not available (see
drawing 2),
__Grounded Outlet Box
_ _. l. _l_:_ -Surge SuppressĀ°r
11 _ r-_l_ ;=B_;J Grounding Pin
Grounded OuUet Grounding Piug_'_
GroundedOutlet Box
f_ uj I Adapter _
i Surge buppressor
"Grounding Plug
The temporaryadapter shouldbe usedonly untila
properly-groundedoutlet(see drawing1) can be in-
stalied by a qualifiedelectrician,
The green-coloreddgidear, lug,orthe like extend-
ingfrom the adapter must be connectedto a perma-
nent groundsuchas agroundedoutletbox cover,
The adapter must be held in placeby a metal screw.
Some 2-pole receptacle outlet box covers are not
grounded. Contact a qualified electrician to deter-
mine ifthe outlet box cover is grounded before
using an adapter.