1. Insert the key into the console.
page 15.
2. Select a preset workout.
To salect a preset work-[_._ _L_ _
out, press the Crosswalk
Workouts button or the
Wt. Loss Workouts but-
ton repeatedly until the
number of the desired
workout appears inthe upperdisplay.
When you select a preset Workout, the incline ]evel
of the workout will flash in the lower ]e_tdisplay, the
speed setting will gash in the lower right display,
and then the workout length will appear in the lower
Ieft display. In addition, a profile of the speed set-
tings of the workout will appear in the far Ieft display,
3. Press the Start button or the Speed _ncrease
button to start the workout.
A moment after you pressthe button, thetreadmill
wiltautomatically adjustto the firstspeed and in-
cline settings ofthe workout.Hold the handrails and
begin walking.
Each workout is divided into 30 one-minute seg-
ments. One speed setting and one incline setting
are programmed tot each segment, Note: The
same speed setting and/or incline setting may be
programmed for consecutive segments.
During the workout, I .L
the profile wi[I show Current Segment
your progress. The I
IIlIii I
flashing segment of IIIIIMII
the profits represents IIIlIIBiilil=
the current segment
of the workout. The
height of the flashing segment indicates the speed
setting for the cgrrent segment, At the end of each
segment, a tone will sound and the next segment
of the prottIeWIUbegin to flash, If a new speed
and/or incline setting isprogrammed for the next
segment,the new speedand/or incline setting will
appear in the displays. The treadmillwill then au-
tomaticaUyadjustto the new speedand/or Incline
If you haveselected a crosswalkworkout,youwill
be promptedto usethe crosswalkarms.When the
crosswalkIndicator onthe sonsole lightsup,move
the crosswalkarmsforward and backwardasyou
walkonthe treadmill. This action exercises your
arms,shoulders,andback for a total body workout,
The workoutwillcontinueInthisway untilthelast
segmentofthe profileflashes in the displayand the
last segmentends.Thewalkingbelt willthenslow
to a stop.
Ifthe speed orinclinesetting is too high orlon low
at any timeduringtheworkout,you canmanuaJty
override the settingby pressingthe speedorincline
buttons; however, whenthe next segment ofthe
workout begins, the treadmill will automatically
adjust tothe speed and incline settings for the
next segment.
To stop the workoutat any time,presstheStop
button.To resta_theworkout,pressthe Startbut-
ion. The walkingbelt winbegintomove at I mph.
When thenextsegmentofthe workoutbegins,the
treadmillwiltautomaltcally adjustto the speedand
inclinesettingsfor the nextsegment.
4, Follow your progress with the displays.
See step 5 on page 16.
5. Measure your heart rate if desired.
See step 6 on page 16,
When you are finished exercising, remove the
key fromthe console.
See step 7 on page t6.