Installation Guide 5
Chapter 2
Electrical Considerations
Electrostatic Build-up
One common characteristic of forklifts is the possibility of producing high lev-
els of electrostatic voltage. Static is created by the wheels as they move about
the floor and can also be generated when an operator slides on or off of a vehi-
cle's cloth-covered seat. Static buildup on the forklift frame can be as high as
several thousand volts (see Figure 2). At these levels of high voltage, a discharge
can cause severe damage to electronic devices.
Figure 2. Static Build-up on a Forklift Frame
There are several factors which affect the levels of static buildup on a forklift.
For instance, the type of materials used to make the wheels can help to reduce
static, as well the conductive properties of the flooring and the relative humid-
ity in the air. Static buildup will remain on the vehicle until it can be dissi-
pated. Lowering the front forks to make contact to the floor surface can
typically do this. However, eliminating the potential for static buildup is the
best means of protection for both operator and equipment.
Positive Charge (+)
Negative Charge (-)