7–Windows Server 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2 Driver Configuration
NIC Driver Properties and Configuration
NE0154601-00 B 7-3
The Advanced tab displays the driver properties.
Table 7-1 describes the Advanced tab selections.
Table 7-1. Advanced Properties Parameters
Parameter Description
Completion Queue Size This parameter indicates the size of the completion
Registry Key: CompletionQueueSize
Default: 4 (16,384 entries).
Values (entries): 0 (1024), 1 (2048), 2 (4096),
3 (8192), 4 (16,384), 5 (32,768)
Flow Control This parameter sets flow control parameters. There
are four flow control options: 0 (off), 1 (transmit),
2 (receive), and 3 (transmit/receive).
Registry Key: FlowControl
Default: 3 (Transmit and receive flow control
Values: 0, 1, 2, 3
Health Monitoring This parameter maintains the health of the device.
Disabling this parameter should performed under
advisement from QLogic.
Registry Key: Watchdog
Default: Health monitoring enabled.
Values: Enabled/Disabled
Interrupt Moderation This parameter provides interrupt moderation. When
this parameter is enabled, interrupts are moderated
automatically based on traffic patterns.
Registry Key: InterruptModeration
Default: Disabled
Values: Enabled/Disabled
IPv4 Checksum Offload This parameter enables/disables the IPv4 checksum
offload. There are four flow checksum options: 0 (off),
1 (transmit), 2 (receive), and 3 (transmit/receive).
Registry Key: IPChecksumOffloadv4
Default: 3 (Transmit and receive checksum
Values: 0, 1, 2, 3