7–Windows Server 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2 Driver Configuration
NIC Driver Properties and Configuration
NE0154601-00 B 7-5
Max Ethernet Frame Size This parameter specifies the Ethernet frame size for
packet transmission and receive (it does not include
the MAC header).
Reg Key: MaxFrameSize
Default: 1500 (corresponds to 1514 bytes on the
wire plus 4 bytes of CRC)
Max: 9600
Min: 64
Step: 1
Max Jumbo Buffers This parameter specifies the maximum number of
receive buffers per Jumbo frame.
Reg Key: RxJumboRingSize
Default: 2 (4096 buffers)
Values: 0 (1024), 1 (2048), 2 (4096), 3 (8192)
Max Offload Connections This parameter specifies the maximum number of
offload connections.
Reg Key: MaxOffloadConnections
Default: 512
Max: 512
Min: 0
Step: 1
NOTE: This feature is not supported at the time of
Number of Receive Buffers This parameter specifies the packet buffers used by
the driver for receive operations (DMA memory and
indicated to stack). Each buffer is 1536 bytes.
Registry Key: ReceiveBuffers
Default: 4 (16,384 entries)
Values (entries): 0 (1024), 1 (2048), 2 (4096),
3 (8192), 4 (16,384), 5 (32,768)
Table 7-1. Advanced Properties Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description