A – Command Line Interface
Test Command
A-92 59056-02 A
3. A series of test parameters are displayed on the screen. Press the Enter key
to accept each default parameter value, or type a new value for each
parameter and press the Enter key. The TestLength parameter is the
number of frames sent, the FrameSize (256 byte maximum in some cases)
parameter is the number of bytes in each frame, and the DataPattern
parameter is the pattern in the payload. Before running the test, make sure
that the device attached to the port can handle the test parameters.
SANbox Manager (admin) #> test port x online
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will
follow. Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to
accept the default value. If you wish to terminate this
process before reaching the end of the list press 'q' or 'Q'
and the ENTER key to do so.
TestLength (decimal value, 1-4294967295) [100 ]
FrameSize (decimal value, 36-2148) [256 ]
DataPattern (32-bit hex value or 'Default') [Default]
StopOnError (True/False) [False ]
Do you want to start the test? (y/n) [n]
4. After all parameter values are defined, press the Y key to start the test. After
the command executes, a message on the screen will appear detailing the
test results.