A – Log Messages
Informational Log Messages
SN0051102-00 A A-3
54963 QLIS_SetDdbEntryContinue:[%d:%d] Remote system connection
54986 QLIS_HandleSessionTimer: Re-enabling compression 1738
55299 QLSC_CollectBUVUIO: Freeing dead TRB: State 0x%02X,
AbortReason %d, Flags 0x%02X
6 Router is booting up.
109 De-compression failed and will be temporarily disabled.
1026 FC login occurred, origin xx (1 = HBA, 2 = target, 3 = initiator), VP (virtual port)
xx, ID (loop ID) xx.
1027 FC login occurred with port ID xx.xx.xx.
1028 FC login occurred with WWNN xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.
1029 FC login occurred with WWPN xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.
1058 FC logout occurred, origin xx (1 = HBA, 2 = target, 3 = initiator), VP (virtual port)
xx, ID (loop ID) x.
1059 FC logout occurred with port ID xx.xx.xx.
1060 FC logout occurred with WWNN xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.
1061 FC logout occurred with WWPN xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.
1111 FC login event notification, VP (virtual port) xx.
1120 Maximum number of support hosts dd has been reached.
1690 Event notification: iSCSI open connection request.
1691 Event notification: iSCSI close connection request or connection closed.
1692 Event notification: iSCSI connection opened.
1693 Event notification: connection opened with iSNS server.
1695 Event notification: iSNS SCN received.
1697 Event notification: iSNS client discovered.
1699 iSCSI close connection request received.
Table A-1. Application Modules—Informational Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message No.