A – Log Messages
Fatal Log Messages
SN0051102-00 A A-27
70836 #%d: QLStartFw: Invalid Fw loader state 0x%x 1204
70837 #%d: QLStartFw: Load Fw loader timeout 1205
20 iSCSI processor SRAM test failed.
21 iSCSI processor failed diagnostic reboot.
22 iSCSI processor failed NVRAM diagnostic.
23 iSCSI processor failed DRAM diagnostic.
24 iSCSI processor failed to return diagnostic results.
309 Response queue entry contains an invalid handle.
319 Set NVRAM reboot timer failed.
332 Port disable reboot timer failed.
334 Port enable reboot timer failed.
592 iSNS response contains an invalid handle.
768 Start iSCSI processor failed.
785 iSCSI processor firmware initialization failed.
800 iSCSI processor port fatal error.
816 Start iSCSI processor reboot timer failed.
857 iSCSI processor fatal system error.
867 Response queue invalid handle for ET pass-through.
869 Response queue invalid entry type.
870 Response queue invalid handle for specified entry type.
892 Asynchronous event for unknown event type.
912 Reboot timer failed.
931 iSCSI driver missed iSCSI processor heartbeat. iSCSI processor rebooted.
932 iSCSI processor failed to complete operation before timeout.
977 iSCSI processor system error restart.
Table A-13. iSCSI Driver—Fatal Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message No.