
Firmware Installation
3-14 SN0051103-00 A
2. Open an admin session and enter the commands to set up both iSCSI ports
and the management interface. See the iSR6200 Router CLI User's Guide
for command descriptions.
QRouter #> admin start
Password : ******
QRouter (admin) #> set mgmt
QRouter (admin) #> set iscsi 1
QRouter (admin) #> set iscsi 2
Cable Devices to the Router
Connect cables to the SFP transceivers and their corresponding devices.
Devices can have SFP (or SFF) transceivers or gigabit interface converters
(GBIC). Choose the fiber optic cable with the connector combination that
matches the device being connected to the router:
LC-type duplex fiber optic cable connectors are designed for SFP
SC-type connectors are designed for GBICs.
OM-3 connectors are designed for 10Gb ports.
Firmware Installation
The router comes with current firmware installed. You can upgrade the firmware
from the management workstation as new firmware becomes available. You can
use the SANsurfer Router Manager application or the CLI to install new firmware.
Installing new firmware disrupts the router blade connectivity since you must
reboot the router blade to activate the new firmware.