Using the DVD’s Menu System
38 Chapter 3
The VIDEO menu enables you to choose the ASPECT ratio for your
TV. This is also useful if you decide to connect a larger TV to this
unit. Use the same method for moving through the menus as you
did for the O.S.D. language.
The settings in the SYSTEM and OUTPUT options of the VIDEO
menu are automatically programmed. You can’t change them.
Choose one of three options that are available: 4:3 LB (Letter Box),
4:3 PS (Pan Scan), 16:9 WS (Wide Screen).
4:3 LB (Letter Box): Choose this option if you want to see
movies in their original aspect ratio (height-to-width ration).
This option shows the entire wide screen film frame on a 4 x 3
screen by proportionately reducing the height of the wide
screen image. Then its width fits the screen and fills in the top
and bottom spaces with black bars.
4:3 PS (Pan Scan): Choose this option if you want the
movie to fill the entire screen of your TV/DVD. This shows
only the most important parts of the image and excludes the
less important parts (the left and right edges).
Note: Most discs produced in a widescreen format can’t be cropped
in this fashion. This means the black bars appear at the top and the
bottom of the screen.