Drum sounds and sound effects
Drum Kits
The last 20 “sounds” (511~530) are so-called “Drum Kits”. When
you select such a Kit, every key is assigned to a different sound.
With the left-most key, you can play a bass drum sound (also
called “kick”). The white key next to it triggers a snare drum
sound, etc. Try it out by pressing several keys, either in succes-
sion or simultaneously.
Drum Kits are collections of over 90 sounds, each assigned to a
different key.
Note: Drum Kits can only be assigned to the Main part (so neither
to the Split, nor the Dual part).
Note: One Kit (530) is actually a sound effects (SFX) kit that cannot
be used for “drumming” but rather for triggering various sound
Note: This setting can be saved to a User Program (see p. 41).
Sound effects (“SFX”)
The E-200/E-100 also contains individual sound effects (like
“Train, “Kitty”, “HrseGllp”, etc.) and individual drum and percus-
sion sounds that are assigned to the entire range of the part you
select them for (Main, Split or Dual).
Note that those sounds do not work like the Drum Kits: only one
sound is assigned to the keyboard – and can be played melodi-
cally (though “Train” melodies are probably “interesting” at best).
It might therefore be a good idea to proceed as follows:
(1) Press the [SPLIT] button.
(2) Decide whether you want to play the sound effect or per-
cussion sound with your left or right hand.
If you want to use your left hand, assign a sound effect to
the Split part. To play the effect with your right hand, assign
it to the Main part.
(3) Change the split point (page 38) in such a way that only a
few keys are assigned to the percussion sound/sound
effect (“C6” for right-hand effect playing, “C3” for left-
hand effect playing).
(4) To obtain a meaningful effect, you may also have to
change the MAIN Oct or SPLT Oct setting
(page 38).
If you assign a sound effect/percussion sound to the Split
part, the key ranges could be set as shown below.
C2 C3
Split part (sound effect/percussion sound)
Main part (melodic sound)
E-200_US Page 29 Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:01 PM