Auto Bass*: status and volume
(OFF, 0~127, Default setting: OFF) Whenever the Split part is
active, this parameter allows you to set the volume of the Auto
Bass part (in which case the Auto Bass part is switched on). This
part sounds monophonic bass notes based on the chords you
play. If the Bass Inversion function (see p. 27) is off, the Auto
Bass part sounds the root notes (fundamentals) of the chords
you play with your left hand (using the Split part).
The Auto Bass part can also be added to the EP Chord part (see
below), and then follows the same rules as that part. The Auto
Bass’ volume and status can be set independently for “Split use”
and “EP Chord use”.
In either case, select off if you don’t need the Auto Bass part.
AccDrums*, AccBass*, Accomp*: volume
(0~127, Default setting: 100 AccDrums/100 AccBass/
100 Accomp) These three parameters allow you to set the vol-
ume of three Music Style sections: the drums, the bass and the
Accomp parts (1~6).
Note: The “Accomp” parameter does not have the same function
as the BALANCE [ACCOMP] button. The button applies to all
Arranger parts (thus also to the “AccDrums” and “AccBass” param-
ARR SET parameters
ChordInt* (Arranger Chord intelligence)
(Md1, Md2, Off, Default setting: Md1) This parameter allows
you to select the chord intelligence system to be used by the
E-200/E-100: the Roland system (“Md1”, which makes more
sense from an educational point of view, see page 61), or the
“Md2” system, which can be used in the following way:
In either case, pressing just a few keys is therefore enough for
obtaining full chords. If you are used to playing full chords, you
can switch this function off.
ArrHold* (Arranger Hold)
(On/Off, Default setting: On) The Arranger Hold function mem-
orizes the chords you play with your left hand and keeps play-
ing the corresponding notes until you play another chord.
If you switch off ArrHold, the melodic Arranger parts (A.Bass,
Accomp) stop playing as soon as you release the key(s) in the
left half of the keyboard, leaving you only with the drum
For your convenience, this function is switched on every time
you power on the E-200/E-100.
EP Chord° (left-hand St. Strings + bass)
(On/Off, Default setting: On) The EP Chord function (for “Edu-
cational Purposes”) activates a stereo string sound and mono-
phonic bass (if Auto Bass is set to “on”) whenever (a) the
icon is displayed, (b) the Arranger is stopped, and
(c) [SYNC¥START] is off. This allows you to play chords (and a
bass line) with your left hand in Arranger mode – without using
the E-200/E-100’s accompaniment function.
If you select “Off”, however, the left half of the keyboard will be
muted when conditions (a) and (b) are met and if the icon
is not displayed.
Bass Inv*
(On/Off) Use this parameter to change the way in which the
Arranger reads the chords you play. See p. 27.
MI* (Melody Intelligence harmony type)
(Default setting: Traditnl) This parameter allows you to select
the desired harmony type for the Melody Intelligence function.
Note: This parameter can also be selected by pressing and holding
the [MELODY¥INTELL] button. See p. 27.
EFFECTS parameters
Rev* (Reverb Type)
(Default setting: Hall 2) Use this parameter to select the kind of
Reverb that best suits your musical purposes, or to switch the
Reverb processor “Off”. See p. 33.
Chr* (Chorus Type)
(Default setting: Chorus 3) This parameter allows you to specify
the type of Chorus effect, or to switch the Chorus processor
“Off”. See p. 34.
MFX* (MFX type)
(Default setting: Rotary) This parameter allows you to select
the desired MFX type and to switch the MFX processor off. See
p. 32 for details about the MFX. Selecting “Off” means that the
MFX is off.
Note: MFX type selection can also be linked to Tone selection for
the Main part.
Tone MFX°
(On/Off, Default setting: On) This parameter allows you to link
the selection of an MFX type to the Tone you assign to the
Main part. That way, a Distortion/Overdrive effect will be
selected for a rock guitar sound, Rotary for an organ, etc.
(0~127, Default setting: 100) This parameter allows you to set
the Reverb Send Level for the Main part (i.e. how much Reverb
should be added to the Main notes). Select “0” if the Main part
may not be processed by this effect.
Major chords Press the key that corresponds to the chord’s
Minor chords Fundamental + any black key to the left of the
Fundamental + any white key to the right of
the fundamental.
Minor sev-
enth chords
Fundamental + any black key to the left + any
white key to the right.
E-200_US Page 39 Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:01 PM