Configuring Swype
1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔ Settings.
Under Controls, touch Language and input.
2. Touch next to Swype to display the following
•Settings: Configure basic Swype settings. When an
option is enabled, a check mark appears in the
check box.
•Themes: Set keyboard options.
•My Words: Set options for managing your dictionary
and data.
• Languages: Manage the language used for Swype.
The default language is English. Touch Download
languages, to download additional languages.
•Gestures: Display helpful information on using
gestures while using Swype.
•Help: Touch How to Swype to view an onscreen
manual for Swype. Touch Show helpful tips for more
Swype information.
•Updates: Check for available Swype updates.
Configuring Google Voice Typing
1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔ Settings.
Under Controls, touch Language and input.
2. Touch Google voice typing to automatically use
Google voice typing.
3. Touch next to Google voice typing.
The following options are available:
• Choose input languages: Touch Automatic to use
the local language or select a language from the list.
• Block offensive words: Enable or disable blocking of
recognized offensive words from the results of your
voice-input Google searches.
• Offline speech recognition: Enable voice input while
offline. Touch the All tab to download speech
recognition for other languages.