
because most people's names do not have the same first three letters. This
number can be between 1 and 10.
Wait For First Digit This is the amount of time, in seconds, the system waits
for the caller to enter the first digit.
Wait For Subsequent Digits The amount of time, in seconds, the system waits
for the caller to enter the digits following his first entry digit.
Repeat Prompts If No Entry The number of times the system repeats prompts
if the caller does not enter any digits.
Retries If No Match This is the maximum number of names a caller may enter
if no match is found on the digits the caller entered. If this occurs, it is con-
sidered an INVALID entry.
Maximum Number Of Matches The number of names played to the caller if
more than one name matches the entry. The number can be between 1 and 8.
Search Last Part of Label When an extension group is set up, generally peo-
ple are listed by last name, comma, and first name. This parameter determines
which part of the name (label) that will be searched for a match.
Include Unnamed Objects If this parameter is set to YES, Search Targets with
no recorded name will be included in the Directory listing played to the caller.
Programming - Page 78