
Directory Public/User A ‘Y’ in these parameters, and the subscribers’ name
recorded in the mailbox, allows the Subscriber to be listed in either of the
appropriate Directories.
Subscriber Password Allows the mailbox password to be changed to the
default digits specified by Default password in the System Wide Parameters or
removed completely. Inputs are “DEFAULT” or “NONE”.
Retention Days Remaining The number of days remaining before this block is
automatically discarded during system maintenance if unused.
Mailbox Greeting Allowed When set to yes the caller is allowed to record a
mailbox greeting.
Message Alert Control Allowed When set to yes the caller is allowed to turn
on and off the message alert and set the alert number.
Enable Extended Prompting A ‘Y’ in this field enables the full length, extend-
ed prompting to play to the subscriber the next time he logs into his Mailbox.
Once the flag is set to ‘N’, extended prompting does not play again and the
subscriber does not have to listen to the dialing options. The extended prompt-
ing is used to aid the new mailbox user.
Programming - Page 85