ProWORX 32 Utilities
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 225
BootP device parameter descriptions:
Parameter Description
Device Displays the description of the associated row selected in the BootP
Parameters table.
MAC Address A 12 digit hexadecimal number uniquely identifying an Ethernet device. A
device’s MAC address cannot be changed. The MAC Address is on a label
(currently marked as the "IEEE GLOBAL ADDRESS") on each Schneider
Ethernet device.
IP Address A logical 32-bit address used to identify a TCP/IP device. Each IP address
has two parts: the network ID and the host ID. The network IP identifies all
hosts (devices) that are on the same physical network. The host ID
identifies a specific host on a network. Each computer that runs TCP/IP
requires a unique IP address.
The IP Address may be available from or assigned by your network
Status The existing condition of the ping:
Device Found: ProWORX 32 has found a Schneider device with this
MAC address and IP address
Device not found: ProWORX 32 could not find a Schneider device with
this MAC address and this IP address.
Subnet Mask Used to mask a portion of the IP address so that TCP/IP can distinguish
the network ID from the host ID. TCP/IP hosts communicate by using the
subnet mask to determine whether the destination host is located on a
local or remote network.
The Subnet Mask may be available from or assigned by your network
Gateway For communication with a host on another network, an IP host must be
configured with a route to the destination network. If a configured route is
not found, the host uses the gateway to transmit the traffic to the
destination host. The default gateway is where the IP sends packets that
are destined for remote networks. If a default gateway is not specified,
communications are limited to the local network.
The Gateway may be available from or assigned by your network