372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 315
Network 1) A unit of ladder logic in a matrix of elements that is 11 columns wide and seven
rows long. It is used to group a function’s ladder logic.
2) A chain of interconnected computers and/or programmable controllers which
share data.
A descriptor record assigned to a network. Contains short comments, a long
comment, a page title and descriptors.
Network Listing A printout of a group of networks of ladder logic which make up a program.
Network Logic A programmable controller control program or the representation of a programmable
controller control program. It includes logic elements, networks, and register
Node A device that is connected to a network and is capable of communicating with other
network devices, usually to send or receive I/O data.
Not Described
Mismatch Table
A printout of those programmable controller addresses in a ladder logic program
which do not have descriptor records.
Offline When the computer is not connected to the programmable controller and works
instead from a database.
Online When the computer is connected to a programmable controller, working with it
directly and in real time.
Operator In mathematics (and in Equation Networks), a symbol or character that indicates a
specific operation to be performed on one or more elements, called operands. In "3
+ Y", the plus sign (+) is an operator that indicates addition between the two
operands, "3" and "Y".
Order of Solve 1) The order in which segments are solved, as ordered by the Segment Scheduler.