Chapter 14: OPTION Menu
2. Press @ p D on both calculators.
3. Press 2 on the receiv-
ing machine.
The receive mode screen
will appear on the display.
4. Press 1 on the sending
5. The send menu will appear on the display. Specify the data to
send from the following categories.
A SELECT Displays the menu window to send the data specified as follows:
01 ALL Displays a list of all
the stored files
category by category.
02 List Displays a list of all
the stored list files.
03 Matirx Displays a list of all the stored matrix files.
04 Graph Eqn Displays a list of all the stored graph equations.
05 Solver Eqn Displays a list of all the stored solver equations.
06 Program Displays a list of all the stored program files.
07 G_Data Displays a list of all the stored graph data files.
08 L_Data Displays a list of all the stored list data files.
09 Picture Displays a list of all the stored picture files.
10 Slide Displays a list of all the user-made slide show data.
11 A - Z, θ Displays a list of variables A to Z and θ.
B BACKUP Send all the data stored in the calculator memory.