Chapter 6: Advanced Graphing Features — Advanced Keyboard
1. Grasp the idea of sequential equations.
2. Use the graph tracing function to obtain approximate values.
1. First, let us set the calculator
to the appropriate graphing
coordinate mode. Press
@ ; to enter the
SETUP menu, press E
to select E COORD, then
press 4 to select 4 Seq, and press C.
2. We will use the “Time”
sequential graph type within
the FORMAT menu. Press
@ f, press G
to select G TYPE, and 2
to select 2 TIME.
3. Then press Y.
The Graph Equation Entry window will open.
4. Enter a new equation set
× (1 - 0.6) + 3000 for
. Press @ u
(7) to enter u and
press X for n. Press
E when done entering.
Note: Press C to clear the previous entry.
Using a capitalized “U” or “N” here will result in an error upon
pressing the G key.
5. On the second entry row
u(nMin) =
), enter 2000,
then press E.
The figure is automatically
enclosed by braces.
6. The v and the w entry sets will not be necessary in this case,
so press C to clear, then press E to move one row
down. Repeat until the four unnecessary entry rows are