Dear Sir/Madam
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to create a mathematical problem which can be solved
with the SHARP EL-9900 graphing calculator, including the necessary procedures and definitions as out-
lined in the form below.
For this purpose, we would be grateful if you could complete the form and return it to us by fax or mail.
If your contribution is chosen, your name will be included in the next edition of The EL-9900 Graphing
Calculator Handbook or on our homepage. We regret that we are unable to return contributions. Also,
please note that the problems you send us might be opened to the public at Sharp’s home page.
We thank you for your cooperation in this project.
Mr. Ms.
Post Code: Country:
Phone: Fax:
SUBJECT: Write either a title or about the subject matter.
Write a brief explanation of the subject, and the formula with definitions, including a diagram if relevant.
Use this form to send us your contribution
SHARP Graphing Calculator