40 Lbl duplicate Labels with identical name found in programme.
41 Lbl undefined Goto/Gosub encountered with no defined label.
42 Lbl over More than 50 labels found in programme.
43 Gosub stack Nesting of more than 10 subroutines found.
44 Line too long Line contains more than 160 characters.
45 Can’t return Return used without jumping from subroutine.
46 Storage full Cannot create more than 99 files.
47 Coord type Invalid coordinate system for command.
48 Without For For is missing corresponding to the Next command.
49 Without WEnd WEnd is missing corresponding to the While command.
50 Without While While is missing corresponding to the WEnd command.
51 Without Then Then is missing corresponding to the If command.
52 Without EndIf EndIf is missing corresponding to the If command.
53 Without If If is missing corresponding to the EndIf command.
70 I/O device Communication error found among devices.
71 Wrong Mode Wrong communication mode set.
90 Memory over Memory is full; cannot store data as requested.
99 System error System error found; user memory space is insecure.
Low battery Operation interrupted due to low battery power.
BREAK!! Operation break specified.
Error content
Error message
* The following operations may cause Editor type error. Correct the Editor type to continue.
• Recall the SOLVER equations (EQTN) or Graph data (G_DATA) stored in a different EDITOR mode
than currently in use.
• Receive the Graph equation (Y1 and others) entered in a different EDITOR mode than currently in use.