Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Q: My batteries only lasted for two months. Is there
something wrong? Will I lose data in memory
when I change the batteries?
A: There is probably nothing wrong with your Organizer.
Battery life will vary from user to user. A number of
factors will affect battery life, especially how much the
Organizer is used. The battery life is rated at 70 hours
of continuous use. Assuming an average of one hour
per day of continuous use, you would get about two
months of battery life.
When you change the main operating batteries, the
back-up battery will protect data in memory. Be sure
to follow the directions carefully when changing the
An optional battery case is available, which will
extend the life of your operating batteries.
Q: I have an older model of the SHARP Organizer and
imported the data into this Organizer. But when I
went to the Tel application in my new Organizer,
all of my entries looked strange. Some words
were split in two and some lines ended too early.
The entries don’t look like this in the other
Organizer. What can I do?
A: In certain applications, such as Tel, the number of
characters allowed per line is different from that of
other Organizer models. This means that the new line
characters you entered in the older Organizer will not
produce the same formatting in this unit. You will
need to edit the relevant entries and reformat them by
deleting old new line characters and entering new
Q: I saw the message “There is not enough
memory...” after trying to store an entry. What
does this mean?
A: You have filled your unit with information. Here are
some things you should try in order to free up some
1. Check for old Schedule items. Delete those you no
longer need. You can delete all Schedule entries
for an entire month using the Calendar menu.
2. Check for completed To Do items. You can delete
all completed To Do items using the To Do menu.
3. Check for old Money Tracking transactions. If
they have cleared, you should remove them after
performing Account Balancing.