switch simply re-starts the Organizer.
If none of the above procedures work, you will need to
send the Organizer to a service center. Check the
back page of this operation manual for the location of
your nearest service center and call for more
Q: What happens if I am working on an entry and the
auto power off function shuts off the Organizer
before I store the entry?
A: You will not lose any information. The next time you
turn the Organizer on you will be able to resume
exactly where you left off.
Q: Why should I send in the Blue registration card
included with the Organizer?
A: This is your way of registering your product with
SHARP, and allows SHARP to keep you informed
about new products and software available for your
Organizer. It also gives SHARP valuable information
about our users so that we can design products that
continue to meet your needs.
Q: What is the Outline application? Why would I want
to use it instead of Memo?
A: The Outline application allows you to group and
categorize information using a hierarchical structure.
Everyone has a lot of small but important pieces of
information that have to be memorized or kept track of
in a written record, for example, important personal
information: Social Security number, credit card
numbers, various ID numbers, account numbers,
clothing sizes, etc. Using the Organizer, you could
make a number of Memo entries for each piece of
information, but a better way to manage the
information would be to make a single Outline file
called “Personal Information”. This file could then
contain a number of headings (such as Car info.,
Travel info., Health info., Financial info., etc.), under
which relevant pieces of information could be stored.
This makes it easier to access information and
prevents your Organizer from becoming cluttered with
hundreds of individual entries.
Additional Outline files could also be made, including:
favorite movie list, project management file, To Do
lists, price lists, product line-up and specification file,
business plans, product proposals, and meeting
notes. Many types of information can be more easily
and efficiently managed in an Outline structure.
Another use of the Outline application is document