Getting started with your SMARTBoard
interactive flat panel
Using your SMARTBoard interactive flat panel, you can write, draw and erase digital ink, manipulate
objects and browse content on the screen.
About SMART Ink
SMART Ink enables you to write and draw in digital ink over open applications, files, folders,
websites and any other open window on your computer.
You can write over an Internet browser window, highlight content on your screen and write over a
video without pausing the video and without interfering with your ability to interact with the video.
When you move, resize or minimize a window, the ink stays with the window.
You can convert your digital ink notes to text. You can also move, erase and capture your notes as an
image and save it to your SMART software.
When you open an application that has its own ink tools, you can turn off SMART Ink, and then use
the application's ink tools to write.
For more information see SMART Ink for Windows (smarttech.com/SupportInk1Windows) or
SMART Ink for Mac (smarttech.com/SupportInk1Mac) on the SMARTSupport website.
SMART Ink Notes
SMART Ink Notes enable you to write in digital ink anywhere on yourdesktop. When you write
outside of the open windows on your computer, a SMART Ink Note appears and you can write inside
the note.
SMART Ink Document Viewer
If you’re using aWindows operating system, the SMART Ink Document Viewer enables you to view
your PDF files and to write in digital ink over your files.
SMART Ink Toolbar
If your computer is connected to a SMART interactive product, SMART Ink starts automatically
when you start your computer and the SMART Ink toolbar appears in the title bar of each open
window on your computer.
Use the toolbar to select ink properties for that window and to perform common tasks such as
capturing your notes.
Usingyour interactiveflatpanel