Chapter 7: Maintaining your interactive flat
Updating your SMART software andfirmware 53
Updating SMART software 53
Updating your interactive flat panel firmware 54
Updating SMART Product Drivers 55
Calibrating your interactive flat panel 56
Orienting your interactive flat panel 57
Replacing apen nib 57
Cleaning the screen 58
Cleaning the camera windows and reflective tape 58
Maintaining ventilation 59
Preventing condensation 59
Checking the interactive flat panel installation 60
Removing your interactive flat panel 60
Transporting your interactive flat panel 61
If you properly maintain your interactive flat panel, it will provide years of use.
Updating your SMART software and firmware
To use touch control and digital ink on your interactive flat panel, you require SMARTsoftware on
your computer and up-to-date firmware on your interactive flat panel.
Updating SMART software
Once you have SMARTsoftware installed on your computer, you can check for software updates
with SMART Product Update by selecting Help > Check for Updates in the software or by browsing
to smarttech.com/downloads.
Chapter 7