
Digital Multi Effects (DME)
Chapter 1 MVS-8000 Functions
Linking and unlinking image and spotlight
The spotlight can move together with a DME image, or be fixed in place.
Source: Place the light source in source coordinate space. The spotlight is
linked and moves when the image moves.
Target: Place the light source in target coordinate space. The spotlight
does not move, even when the image moves.
Selecting the lighted area
You can select the area lit by the spotlight.
FRGD: The light strikes the image foreground.
BKGD: The light strikes the image background.
Both: The light strikes both foreground and background.
Light source
Light source
Light source
Parallel Point Line Whole
Image before movement Coordinate axis = Source
Spotlight moves together
with DME image.
Coordinate axis = Target
Spotlight does not move,
even if DME image