
A-12 Appendixes
Effect control parameters (continued)
Effect type and adjustable parameters
2624 3D split
2625 F1: Speed at which cracks spread (Speed = 0 to100)
F2: Degree to which fragments fly away (Fly = 0 to 100)
X/Y: Move the break center point
2630 3D split flip
2631 F1: Direction of flip (Angle = 0 to 99)
F2: Area of the part that flips (Area = 0 to 100)
F3: Amount of randomness in flip (Rand = 0 to 100)
F4: X direction divisions (Div_X = 1 to 16)
F5: Y direction divisions (Div_Y = 1 to 16)
F6: Amount of X-axis rotation (Rot_X = –100 to +100)
F7: Amount of Y-axis rotation (Rot_Y = –100 to +100)
F8: Amount of Z-axis rotation (Rot_Z = –100 to +100)
F9: Perspective (Pers = 0 to 100)
F10: Delay before start of flip (Delay = –100 to +100)
X/Y/Z: Location, enlargement, and reduction of the pattern
2632 3D split flip
2633 F1: Direction of split (Angle = 0 to 99)
F2: Change in direction of split (Curve = –100 to +100)
F3: Area of the part that splits (Area = 0 to 100)
F4: Split frequency (Freq = 0 to 100)
F6: Amount of X-axis rotation (Rot_X = –100 to +100)
F7: Amount of Y-axis rotation (Rot_Y = –100 to +100)
F8: Amount of Z-axis rotation (Rot_Z = –100 to +100)
F9: Perspective (Pers = 0 to 100)
F10: Delay before start of split (Delay = –100 to +100)
X/Y/Z: Location, enlargement, and reduction of the pattern
2690 Special wipe
F1: Width of crystal (Width = 0 to 100)
F2: Angle of wipe (Angle = 0 to 99)
F3: Refractive index of crystal (Refrct = 0 to 100)
2691 Special wipe
2692 F1: Angle of wipe (Angle = 0 to 99)
F2: Degree of edge curve (Angle = 0 to 99)
X/Y: Move the center point
Effect Control Parameter List
Split page turn
F1: Direction of turn (Angle = 0 to 99)
F2: Change in turn direction (Curve = –100 to +100)
F3: Type of turn (DIVTYP = VERT1/VERT2/HORZ1/HORZ2)
2ch picture-in-picture
F1: Delay between channels (Delay = 0 to 100)
F2: Speed of rotation (Rot = –100 to +100)
F3: Perspective (Pers = 0 to 100)
Two-picture (front, reverse) page turn
F1: Direction of turn (Angle = 0 to 99)
F2: Change in turn direction (Curve = –100 to +100)